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Windows 98 Second Edition Shutdown Supplement

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition


You may experience any of the following symptoms when you select an option in the Shut Down Windows dialog box.

  • If you click Shut down and then click OK, the computer may stop responding (hang) while displaying the following message:

  • Windows is shutting down.
  • If you click Restart in MS-DOS mode and then click OK, the computer may hang while displaying a blank screen.

  • If you click Shut down or Restart in MS-DOS mode and then click OK with fast shutdown enabled, the computer may restart instead of shutting down.


This problem can occur because:

  • The computer could hang at the shutdown screen intermittently, because the Apmbatt.sys component is not responding to the system shutdown notification from the operating system and could enter an endless loop.


  • The computer could hang with a black screen because of the method in which IRQ holders for the video adapter are configured at boot time and disabled during shutdown by the Pci.vxd component.


  • The fast shutdown option modified by Msconfig.exe contains a code path in which the computer could reboot instead of properly shutting down or quitting to MS-DOS.

NOTE: The Shutdown Supplement was updated 11/99 to address a newly discovered issue that allowed continued shutdown failures on some Windows installations. Due to the added functionality in the update, it may appear on Windows Update as not installed, even if the original version of the Supplement was previously installed.


The Windows 98 Second Edition Shutdown Supplement addresses shutdown issues on computers with specific hardware and software configurations running Windows 98 Second Edition.

Microsoft recommends you troubleshoot these issues using the steps outlined in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:

Q238096 How to Troubleshoot Windows 98 Second Edition Shutdown Problems
After you follow the steps outlined in the article listed above, and if the computer continues to exhibit shutdown problems, download and install the Windows 98 Second Edition Shutdown Supplement from one of the following Microsoft Web sites:
The English-language version of this software update should have the following file attributes or later:
   Date      Time    Version      Size    File name     
   08/11/99  10:32a  4.10.2223     59,392 Msconfig.exe
   08/11/99  10:41a  4.10.2223     65,919 Pci.vxd
   08/11/99  10:46a  4.10.2223      4,384 Apmbatt.sys
   04/23/99  10:22p  4.10.2222    125,057 Configmg.vxd
   07/22/99  11:12a               240,797 Tshoot98.chm 
The 11/99 update added the following:
   Date      Time    Version      Size    File name     
   09/28/99  6:35p  4.10.2223    37,547 Vpowerd.vxd


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Windows 98 Second Edition.


The Windows 98 Second Edition Shutdown Supplement also contains an updated Troubleshooter for Startup and Shutdown issues. The Fast Shutdown option is no longer available in the System Configuration Utility (Msconfig.exe). This update checks to see if the appropriate version of the Configmg.vxd file is installed on the computer and replaces any earlier versions with the Windows 98 Second Edition version.

Additional query words: hangs freeze freezes lock locks up exit turn off manually shuts down crash crashes

Keywords : winboot
Version : WINDOWS:
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug
Technology :

Last Reviewed: March 30, 2000
© 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.

Article ID: Q239887

Last Reviewed:
March 30, 2000

Provided by Microsoft Product Support Services.

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